Small businesses face the same cybersecurity challenges as large, established enterprises — including constant threats from cybercriminals and a struggle to find, recruit, and retain top-tier security talent. In addition to these challenges, leaders at SMBs also have to place their total focus on running and growing their business, leaving little time to worry about cybersecurity. That’s why SMBs need the right ally in their battle against cyber-attacks.

It is no secret that cybercrime is rising, with tactics like malware, ransomware, and phishing are leading the way. Unfortunately SMBs are often susceptible to these threats due to the valuable data, lack of resources, and unprepared employees.

The rising tide of Cybercrime: SMB Vulnerabilities

According to the National Cybersecurity Alliance in the US, 70% of cyber attacks target small to SMBs. Moreover, an Arctic Wolf survey found that 40% of respondents believe they are very likely or extremely likely to experience a cybersecurity attack in the next 12 months.

Notably, malware is the top threat for SMBs, with 64% expressing concern and 34% reporting an actual malware attack in the last 12 months.



Crafting resilience in the face of Cyber Risk

As cyber risk increases for SMBs, and cyber insurance becomes more difficult to obtain, developing an incident response plan is critical. At Axians, we can assist you in developing and maintaining a robust incident response plan, utilizing an elastic framework that facilitates swift and scalable remediation to any cyber emergency. Our approach prioritizes rapid restoration and recovery while concurrently performing containment and analysis to help you return to normal operations.

Cultivating a strong cybersecurity culture

A survey by Arctic Wolf revealed that 36% of SMBs consider the lack of cybersecurity knowledge and training among employees to be a top operational challenge. To mitigate this insecurity, Axians can help you establish priorities and create an engaging, comprehensive security training program. Our aim is to prevent attacks before they occur and foster a robust culture of security within your organization.

Securing the right resources

We understand that your organization’s primary focus is on running your business, not operating a security operations center. Consequently, allocating funds and time to cybersecurity tasks or hiring cybersecurity-specific professionals often takes a back seat. According to the survey, 32% of organizations cited “lack of qualified IT or security staff” as a top cybersecurity challenge. At Axians, we can augment your small IT and security teams, providing essential coverage, security operations expertise, and customized security recommendations to continually enhance your security posture.

Axians: Your partner in Cybersecurity Excellence

Our Axians experts can steer you towards recognized frameworks, compliance guidelines, and industry best practices to establish robust security policies. In partnership with Arctic Wolf, we don’t just offer remote device configurations, network monitoring, and resell endpoint and perimeter defense tools but we can provide your business with 24/7 eyes-on-glass coverage by a team of experts. We rapidly deliver in-depth security services focused on managed detection and response, effectively addressing advanced cyber threats that impact SMBs. Together, we fortify your cybersecurity defenses, ensuring the safety and continuity of your business operations.

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