NIS2 in a nutshell

The  Network and Information Security directive, or NIS2, aims to improve cybersecurity as well as the resilience of essential services in EU member states and provides a significant scope expansion:


  • Multiple sectors or organizations will have to comply with NIS2.
  • Stricter monitoring of compliance with security standards and notification requirements.
  • Introduction of harmonized sanctions.


By 17 October 2024, all EU member states must transpose the NIS2 Directive into national legislation, after which the requirements will become effectively enforceable.

Get me NIS2 ready

How to prepare for NIS2?

Prepare now for the NIS2 directive. Develop a strong cybersecurity culture and anticipate the expanded application and new risks of industrial facilities and processes.

Axians emphasises the importance of strengthening your cyber security with a comprehensive approach and a sustainable cybersecurity mindset.

The digital world is acontinually changing with new trends, as well as new threats. Cybersecurity is more of a concern than ever as we rely more and more on technology. NIS2 encourages organizations to stay ad rem, monitoring and responding to developments in cybersecurity.

Schoofs Bert

BUM, ICT4OT at Axians

  • Info over cybersecurity / cyberbveiliging en de NIS2 Directive / NIS2 richtlijn.
    ideal starting point
  • Info over cybersecurity / cyberbveiliging en de NIS2 Directive / NIS2 richtlijn.
    get instant insight
  • Info over cybersecurity / cyberbveiliging en de NIS2 Directive / NIS2 richtlijn.
    total integration
  • Info over cybersecurity / cyberbveiliging en de NIS2 Directive / NIS2 richtlijn.
    extensive expertise

Who does NIS2 apply to?

The NIS2 Directive addresses sectors already covered by NIS1 Directive, as well as some new sectors. Essentially, an organization is covered if it:

  • operates in one of the (sub)sectors and types of services
  • has a certain size

Note, therefore, you can also be indirectly covered by NIS2. This happens when you are a direct supplier to an organization, which comes under the NIS2.

Get NIS2 ready!

New trends create new challenges for the security of your IT and/or OT infrastructure. Axians looks for answers to the biggest concerns around cybersecurity.

Info over cybersecurity / cyberbveiliging en de NIS2 Directive / NIS2 richtlijn.

A cybersecurity mindset …

It is crucial to define a continuity and security strategy tailored to each organization to respond to technological evolution, increased connectivity and linked cyber threats.

  • Understand the current design of your environment from a security perspective.
  • Determine the criticality of your assets.
  • Identify potential weaknesses.
  • Determine how to optimize perimeter and external access security.
  • Prioritize actions taking into account the balance between safety, security and finances.


Impact on OT Cybersecurity

In an operational-technology (OT) environment, passive security is usually the better option. A common factor with all types of devices is that they are part of the network and all talk in terms of TCP/IP. Monitoring network traffic flows can therefore be of great value.

Axians will be happy to inform you about further details for securing your IT and/or OT infrastructure, including all the exceptions and nuances that industrial installations entail.

Our cyberplan of action

Under NIS2, organizations must adhere to strict cybersecurity standards, including for industrial systems.
Axians provides support in setting up an effective cybersecurity policy to meet these standards.


    Our experts scan your organization for NIS2 obligations and deficiencies with a security assessment. This is the best starting point to define a tailored continuity and security strategy.

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    With an implementation plan, we support the rollout of NIS2 measures, with advice on risk management, audits, training to the creation of a cybersecurity policy.

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    Our guidance does not stop with the implementation of your cybersecurity policy. We follow up on the actions taken and continuously test your IT infrastructure against NIS2 compliance. In this way, we relieve your organization and keep your cybersecurity approach and management system not only up-to-date, but above all NIS2 proof!

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    The Center for Cybersecurity Belgium established several levels in the context of NIS2 proposing key measures to:

    • to protect data
    • reduce the risk of the most common cyber attacks
    • increase the cyber resilience of an organization

    Axians helps you determine this level and looks at what else NIS2 means for your organization.

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NIS2 best practices

An effective cybersecurity policy

An effective cybersecurity policy is essential to comply with the NIS2 directive and ensure robust security within the industrial automation sector. These policies should include both technical and organizational measures and focus on protecting critical assets, identifying and mitigating risks, and promoting a culture of security awareness within the organization.

Total integration of security measures

A critical aspect of NIS2 directive compliance and ensuring cybersecurity in industrial automation is the integration of security measures throughout the organization. That means involving all departments, processes and systems in implementing an effective cybersecurity policy.

Awareness and training

Ensuring a well-trained and aware workforce. Employees at all levels of the organization play a vital role in maintaining a strong security culture and minimizing risk. This includes not only technical training for IT and security personnel, but also general awareness programs for all employees.

Info over cybersecurity / cyberbveiliging en de NIS2 Directive / NIS2 richtlijn.

Conforming to NIS2? Let's start together!